One of the past week's discoveries has been schoggiweggli, which I could describe as bread with pieces of chocolate mixed in, but that wouldn't really do it justice. Mmmmmm....schoggiweggli (in my best Homer Simpson voice).
Monday, March 15, 2004
Previous Posts
- One of the most frustrating things about being her...
- On Saturday we braved the rain to go downtown and ...
- Sticker shock is not uncommon here--everything ten...
- Great weekend. Saturday was gray, rainy, chilly--...
- This morning I felt like we caught a glimpse of th...
- One of the challenges of living here is that they ...
- Last night we watched South Park dubbed in German....
- Duke beats UNC again--as they say in Durham, "Go t...
- After a week away, we're back in Basel. Or at lea...
- Menu update: yesterday one of the entrees was "rag...
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