Friday, April 09, 2004

For my first posting, I'm asking for some advice. Our oven has died! Well, the gas still pumps out when we try to start it (how we start the oven is a whole other story...), but the light doesn't light. I don't know if that makes sense, but basically we have filled our kitchen with really stinky gas many times over the past 36 hours trying to light it, and we've finally given up. Of course, we reached this conclusion only after I completed a major shopping trip to GĂ©ant yesterday (the "giant" grocery store in France) to stock up since we're having friends over for Easter brunch. Now we can't even call the oven repairman until Tuesday (because it's an official holiday weekend), and I have to come up with ideas for Easter brunch that do not include an oven. Who has some creative solutions? Please send us your suggestions.