I was very happy to finally get my "Carte de légitimation" a few days ago. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but it looks like an ID card and I've been told that in Switzerland it's better than a passport, especially when crossing borders and being questioned by Swiss border guards as to why we have American plates on our car (see previous postings for more information). Kirk and I each have one because of Kirk's employment here in Basel. I like that fact that it's all written in French, even though the majority of Swiss speak German. I guess French is the official diplomatic language. But my favorite thing about my new "Carte de légitimation" is the section titled "Titre/Fonction". According to this new ID card, my function is "spouse of Kirk". Ahh yes... to be a spouse...
Monday, April 12, 2004
Previous Posts
- For those who know my brother Derek and want to se...
- This is a test--I'm going to try to post an action...
- We're trying to put pictures online for those who ...
- This afternoon (Ostermontag, yet another holiday) ...
- Gretchen enjoyed this Sunday's Doonesbury, for rea...
- Yesterday we decided to drive to France. After ge...
- For those of the Christian persuasion, happy Easte...
- From Bill Bryson's Neither Here Nor There: Travels...
- I like this picture of my brother Derek, his new b...
- I think they've passed a law in Switzerland that U...
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