This is the sort of thing that is embarassing: last week I was having problem with my air conditioning and my office, which gets full sun in the morning, was an absolute sauna. So they sent someone up to look at it and he tried to explain what was wrong but he didn't speak English--he spoke German, Spanish, French, and probably a few others for all I know. The maintenance worker! I felt like he should probably have my job dealing with international banking and I, Mr. Sprechen Sie Englisch?, should be working maintenance (except I'm not very handy, which could be a problem).
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Previous Posts
- The standard greeting here is "grützi", but just t...
- Our friend Julie passed along the web site for Joh...
- Geez--just got an email from my alma mater (good o...
- Perhaps I spoke too soon--looks like Monaco vs. Po...
- Chelsea is currently playing Monaco in the semifin...
- Today was an all-day meeting, the highlight of whi...
- More from 20 Minuten (my primary source of local n...
- I was just flipping through the local paper and th...
- Like Opus the Penguin (or as some of you might say...
- The guy working security at our parking garage the...
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