Thursday, June 10, 2004

Evidently today is Curmudgeon Day

I really don't mean to be that cranky today, but just one more thing--I don't get this whole Reagan thing. I mean, he was a popular president and all that, but the outpouring of media coverage and mourners just seems a bit over-the-top (and I'm trying to avoid most of it--Gretchen said the news stations have been all-Reagan, all-the-time, all week). I'll admit my view could be shaded by my own political inclinations, but I think I'd feel the same way no matter who it was. (Incidentally I do hope that this results in greater attention to research on Alzheimer's--e.g., stem cell research--since Alzheimer's took my grandmother and I know how awful it is to see someone you love get to a point where they don't know you anymore and basically waste away mentally and physically.)