Monday, January 03, 2005

Back to reality

After having two weeks of "vacation" in Basel, it's back to reality today. Some may argue that my whole life in Basel is a vacation, but the last two weeks have been especially fun. Kirk is back at work after having two weeks off, and my sister and her family are now on a plane back to Wisconsin. It was such a blast having them here... we did lots of traveling (France, Germany, and the mountains of Switzerland) and ate lots of good food everywhere we went. Mainly it was fun for me to spend so much time with the kids. I think they all really enjoyed their first visit to Europe, but by this morning the kids were ready to get back to their regular lives in Milwaukee. (The told me they missed their friends, and other important things like X-Box, PlayStation, and root beer) As for me, I plan to get back to my regular schedule of German class, cooking, walking Grady, and going to the gym, not to mention getting caught up on several weeks worth of laundry and undecorating the Christmas tree. I'm also excited to start a pilates class later this week and to do some reading (I've yet to read the book for the next book club meeting next week). Happy New Year to all!