Monday, January 31, 2005

Tip of the day

Don't get a manicure when you have a bad cold. Do you have any idea how hard it is to restrain yourself from blowing your nose while you wait for your fingernails to be cleaned, painted, and dried? I so rarely get a manicure because they're sort of a waste of money for me considering I don't like colored polish, and I never like the shape they file my nails. But last week in NYC I decided to indulge in a pedicure (which I love), and got suckered into a manicure too. Bad move. This was at the height of my killer cold (that I'm still getting over...) when I was going through about a pack of Kleenex a day. I was miserable and I'm sure everyone around me just loved the constant sniffling during their relaxing spa visit. To top it all off, most of the almost-clear polish on my fingernails had peeled off by the next day. Oh well, at least I enjoyed the pedicure.