Monday, March 21, 2005

Things I miss

Kirk and I had a conversation at dinner last night about what things, if any, we miss about home. We've been here a year and I guess I've never really heard Kirk say that there was anything he missed. Except friends, of course, which we miss all the time. We've made some good friends here, but nothing is ever the same as the friends you leave at home! Yesterday afternoon, while Kirk was on the phone with our friend Dave, I heard him say something like "Yeah, it really sucks that I can't watch any of the (NCAA) tournament". After hearing this I shouted out "True, but you got to go hiking through France today instead!" (even though he was talking to Dave, not to me). In general, I think we both like living here so much that we hardly ever miss anything from home. Of course, I miss the familiarity and ease of doing all the every day things in a country where English is spoken, and as I mentioned, I miss our friends a lot, but otherwise my list of things I miss is very short. I miss things like cheeseburgers, Diet Coke, drinks on ice (nothing is ever served on ice here), getting cheap pedicures, being able to go shopping on Sundays (everything is closed here on Sundays), some TV shows... but I think that's about it! The number of things I love about living here far outweighs those that I miss. Maybe I should make a list of all the things I love about living here instead. I can easily say the number one thing I DON'T miss is working! I much prefer being able to fill my days with other activities!