Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Time Traveler's Wife

At long last, our book club discussed The Time Traveler's Wife last night. It's always so interesting to hear all the different reactions to a book. In general, there was a consensus that it's a good book. But there were also the extremes. One woman said "I absolutely hated this book. I can't remember a time where I had such strong feelings about a book I didn't like. I couldn't even finish it." Another woman was practically bursting out of her chair saying "I loved loved LOVED this book!", etc. Personally, I would say I had a love-hate relationship with the book. Normally, I have a hard time suspending disbelief (Kirk's way of describing it) when it comes to books or movies that are so unrealistic that they're not even believable. Obviously, this book fit into that category considering it's about a man who "time travels". That was the hate part. Yet I got totally wrapped up in the story, loved the characters and had to know what was going to happen to them next, and was also amazed at the author's creativity. That was the love part. The whole time I was reading it I found myself saying that I can't believe I'm enjoying this book becuase it's so ridiculous and unreal. Yet I couldn't put it down! I definitely recommend it to those of you who haven't read it yet. Our next book club meeting won't be until September. Like everything else in Basel, we're taking off the summer for holidays. In September, we'll be discussing Small Island by Andrea Levy. Has anyone else read it?