Friday, August 12, 2005


Thankfully my visit to the embassy today was uneventful--I'm glad I didn't have time to read the comments on my previous post before I left this morning or I would have been angst-ridden before I even got there. While I wouldn't exactly say the service was friendly, it also wasn't surly. I was only inside the embassy for maybe 30 minutes, but I think it helped that getting pages added to your passport is probably the easiest and least bureaucratic procedure possible. They also use a number system now to take people in order, which seems obvious but after reading Mrs. TBF's comment evidently wasn't always the case. Anyway, a few observations:

--It must really suck to have to get a US visa these days. Not only is there all the extra scrutiny and waiting time, but you also have to wait in line outside while US citizens get to waltz right in.

--It must also really suck to live near a US embassy. I suppose the extra security is necessary in this day and age (I couldn't even take in my car keys because they've got an alarm remote on them), but I would think having streets blocked all around your house would be a royal pain. (The embassy was in the midst of a residential neighborhood.)

--A friend was at the same embassy a few weeks ago and every other person there had their passports stolen (separately) in the train station at Geneva Airport. So let that serve as a warning if you fly in and out of Geneva.

--There are worse ways to spend a beautiful Friday morning than riding a train through the Swiss countryside and walking around a beautiful city.