Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

For all of us Americans, today is Thanksgiving. Of course in Switzlerand it's just another Thursday, except that lots of Americans will be eating turkey for dinner. We'll be gathering this evening with a group of American friends (clearly not at our house...I wouldn't be blogging if that were the case...), and everyone will be bringing something. I'm in charge of pumpkin pie and apple crisp.

But now I'm stressing. This could be a mess of a Thanksgiving for me, because currently our crazy oven isn't working! I've tried starting it about 10 times this morning and the pilot light won't come on. It's not a normal oven that you just turn on. You have to turn the knob very slowly, then count to 5 once you get to the "A", then continue to turn slowly, etc. This was quite a lesson we had learn upon moving in. Fortunately, it's only 10:00 AM, but what will I do if I can't make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving??