Saturday, November 11, 2006

Time on my hands

If it seems like I'm blogging a lot more than usual, it's probably because I'm in the midst of two weeks of holiday. Other than being in England at the beginning of the week, all we've done is stayed at home and that's all we'll be doing next week as well with the possible exception of a day trip or two. We decided it was for the best to postpone a trip we'd planned for next week since we really need to get Baby on more of a sleeping routine. Ordinarily in that situation I would probably just go back to work, but I'm actually required to take two consecutive weeks of holiday during the year (what a novel concept for an American!) so I'm just going to chill out at home. As strange as it feels not to be hopping on a train or plane somewhere, I have to say it's been really fun just to have some family time, especially since Baby is at an age where she is becoming very much her own little person (as opposed to just an eating/sleeping/crying/pooping machine) so it's great to get to spend a bunch of time with her and also to give Gretchen as much of a break as possible--feeding excluded, of course.