Tuesday, April 13, 2004

For all you Hilton-sisters fans, you'll be happy to know that we'll soon have a version of "The Simple Life" in German. A couple days ago I "read" an article in the local free paper (to the extent I can read an article written in German) that announced that "Glamourgirls" Judith Kamps (daughter of bakery-millionaire Heiner Kamps) and "Ex-Bro'Sis-Sängerin" Indira will spend 2 months living on a farm with cameras following their every move. Judith is clearly anxious about the prospect of living on a farm: "The worst would be if I had to witness the birth of a cow". Can anyone tell me what an "Ex-Bro'Sis-Sängerin" is? I don't think I can translate that one.