Monday, May 17, 2004

One of the things I like about train travel is that it's easier to get up and walk around than on a plane, but sometimes I forget that train rides aren't always as smooth as I think they are--if you don't make sure you have sound footing as you're walking around, you can easily end up in someone's lap. Today I was taking the train back from the Frankfurt Airport to Basel (about a 3-hour ride) and went to get a cappucino. As I was walking back to my seat, I tried to get out of the way of someone who was coming with luggage at the exact moment the train suddenly jolted. Anyone else probably would have just reached out and grabbed the wall with no major incident, but being me, I immediately lost my grip on the cappucino and dropped it right in front of the woman I had just avoided. Thankfully it spilled more than spattered and seemed to have missed her, but the drink was a total loss. The woman in the cafe car must have thought I was a caffeine junkie when I immediately returned for a coffee (which I somehow got back to my seat without spilling).