So evidently this is the year the cicadas return to the DC area, and I haven't decided yet whether I should be bummed that I'm missing a once-every-seventeen-years phenomenon, or whether I should be thankful that I don't have to deal with thousands of cicada carcasses. Wait, now that I put it that way I think I'm leaning towards thankful.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Previous Posts
- One of the songs that's played all the time--like ...
- OK, I know I said I'd ease up on the Grady stories...
- Blogger (which hosts this blog) has been redesigne...
- I'm really glad we don't live in an apartment buil...
- I don't want to just make this Grady's blog (he's ...
- Today seems to be picture day on the blog, so I to...
- Today's valuable lesson: mowing a knee-high lawn a...
- They're really into wisteria (at least I think tha...
- Heard today on the radio: a French version of "Tot...
- This is the sort of thing that is embarassing: las...
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