Saturday, May 29, 2004

Predictable? Me?

This morning I stopped at our neighborhood bakery (where they speak no German so we do lots of pointing and pantomiming) to get bread for the weekend. I went over to the pastries and the woman seemed to say (in German) "we don't have any apfelkrapfen [like an apple turnover] today". How did she know that's what I was looking for? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that my tastes would be so predictable. What if I wasn't looking for an apfelkrapfen but was looking for a schoggiweggli instead? Huh? What about that? Just because I used to eat two cinnamon raisin bagels for breakfast every single workday back in the States doesn't make me predictable, does it? (OK, so maybe I really was looking for an apfelkrapfen.)