Wednesday, June 23, 2004

If you can read this you're too close

I have to preface this with two observations. First, bumper stickers (other than the ubiquitous "CH" stickers, which don't count) are fairly rare here. You may see the occasional FC Basel sticker, but by and large you don't know whose kid was an honor student, which political party people support, how people feel about abortion, who attended what college, whose karma ran over whose dogma, etc. Second, while I can't claim much first-hand knowledge in this regard, my perception is that the Swiss don't really strike me as an in-your-face, rock-the-boat people. Privacy, discretion, and modesty (perhaps even conformity?) seem to be valued.

With that in mind, imagine my surprise when I pulled behind a car today with a bumper sticker that said "Don't like how I'm driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT". It may have been the most out-of-context, un-Swiss thing I've seen since I've been here. But then it occurred to me that with something that tasteless, they almost had to be American expats, right? And you can bet that just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...