Looking for a good home
One of the things Gretchen promised her mom before she passed away is that she would find a good home for her dog, Molly. She is a 4-year-old, 70-pound lab/collie mix (but looks a little bit like a golden retriever with a funny pink nose--we hope to post a picture soon). She's low maintenance, affectionate, gentle, and loves people and dogs. Char always called Molly her therapy dog. She needs a fenced yard and it would be best to be in a home where someone is around a lot (e.g., stay-home parent or retirees) because she's always lived in homes where her owners have been home all day. Gretchen has a couple of possible leads in Wisconsin, which is preferable from a logistical standpoint, but those leads may not pan out, so if you or anyone you know might be interested, drop us a line.
THIS JUST IN--a few recent pictures of Molly (and Gretchen):

THIS JUST IN--a few recent pictures of Molly (and Gretchen):
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