Thursday, September 02, 2004

What do you do all day?

Believe me, I've heard that question many times from those wondering exactly what I do all day in Basel since I'm not working. Considering how fast my days go I often wonder myself what I do with my time. I'm sure nobody will be surprised to hear that I love my new life of leisure. And after the year I've had, I have no guilt whatsoever about taking a break from working. Every night as I go to bed I look forward to the next day, wondering what I will do and what adventures I will have. Today was a great day, although a bit unusual. Most days I spend time running errands, grocery shopping (since I travel by tram I make small trips to the store every day), going to the gym, walking Grady, and cooking dinner. Today I spent almost the entire day at the Sports Club. It's kind of like a low-key country club just for employees and their families. Kirk and I often eat dinner there because it's good and really cheap (by Swiss standards). Anyway, I drove over there this morning for the quarterly "Spouses Coffee". (Oh no... quarterly coffee sounds reminiscent of an old NGA event from my working days...) After socializing over coffee and pastries with other non-working wives for a couple hours, I continued to lounge at the club and by the pool with two other American friends until 4:00! Granted I wasn't exactly dressed for the pool because I hadn't planned to stay beyond the coffee hour, but it was wonderful and relaxing to hang out nonetheless. Once again, no guilt whatsoever. If Kirk can bring home the bacon, I'm happy to fry it up in a pan.