A hot dog is a hot dog is a hot dog
If you were to ask my sister and her husband to list their favorite things about their trip to Switzerland, I bet you anything their answer would include "lots of good food!" (I should be clear-- not because of my cooking, but because of all the great restaurants we discovered.) As if I hadn't figured it out before, it became very obvious to me over the past week that my sister and I are indeed from the same family, and that our parents must have taught us to appreciate good food (maybe because they were both such excellent cooks). It worked out well for us that both Kris and Tom supported our idea of finding good restaurants in every city we visited, despite the high prices of European cuisine (especially given the current state of the dollar). I think we all agree that the success of a good vacation is partially based on finding new favorite restaurants! I have to say the kids were such troopers through all of our food exploration. It was fun to see them try to figure out what to eat in Swiss restaurants, in German restaurants, in French restaurants... I learned that no matter where you go, you can always order something that resembles a hot dog with french fries, which means the kids will always be happy. Sure, it may be called a Wienerli, or a Knack, or maybe even Bratwurst, but regardless, put some ketchup on it and it tastes good. As for the adults, we enjoyed lots of schnitzel, some cheese fondue, veal cooked a variety of ways (veal seems to be the Swiss meat of choice), and even some escargot.

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