Thursday, February 03, 2005

Call on me

One of the songs that is getting played to death here is "Call on Me" by Eric Prydz, which is basically a dance remix of Steve Winwood's "Valerie" that has an evil way of staying in your head. Likewise, the video--which is an affectionate homage to the aerobics boom of the 1980s, but Gretchen thinks is basically soft porn (c'mon, aren't all aerobics classes like that?)--is constantly on the music channels. Anyway, if you want to see for yourself, go to this website, enter prydz (not in quotes) in the space to the left of where it says Suchen at the bottom, hit enter, and assuming it works correctly, click on play for Eric Prydz' "Call on Me". It might not work through a firewall, and you probably don't want it playing on your desktop at work either--like I said, it's on all the time here, but unlike back home, things aren't quite so Puritanical here.