Monday, February 14, 2005

Confetti, chocolate, a flower, and a carrot

I came home from the Fasnacht parade with these things in my pockets. Actually, the confetti wasn't just in my pockets, but also in my hair, in the hood of my jacket, on my shoes, and inside my turtleneck sweater. Unlike the 4th of July parades at home where they generally throw no more than candy, I was very amused at the things they hand out (or throw at you) on the parade route here in Basel. Oranges seem to be the most popular thing to throw, followed by candy, flowers, small toys/stuffed animals, and bananas. I also saw a few other random fruits including a coconut and a kiwi. And, as I mentioned, I got a carrot. I've never been a big fan of masks and costumes (I don't particularly like Halloween or clowns), but I love the Fasnacht costumes I've seen. They are so elaborate and beautiful. Too bad our camera wasn't working this afternoon!