Monday, March 14, 2005

Spring is coming!

Despite the recent snowfall, I think spring is finally just around the corner! The days are getting longer so now I close the shades in the house at 7:00 pm rather than at 5:00 pm (you tend to notice these things when you're home during the day...). This morning the birds were singing and there was already light in the sky when I walked Grady at 6:30 (do you wonder why I walk the dog at 6:30 am when I don't have to get up to go to work?). The weather forecast tells me it will be in the 60s later this week (17 for those of you who prefer celsius). I've even seen crocuses coming up in the neighborhood. Has anyone else ever noticed how the first few days of early spring put everyone in a good mood? When I walked Grady through the field this afternoon I heard more "grützi"s than ever before, plus a few "grützi wohl"s, and I even got a few smiles!