Thursday, March 17, 2005

Thanks, Oma

Today I was reminded of what was passed down to me from my Grandmother on my Dad's side (Oma)-- my body. Oma was a short, stocky, hardy German woman. One time, about 7 years ago, when I was in Mexico for my friend Peg's wedding, I was hanging out on the beach with my Mom and Dad and I will never forget something my Mom said: "I just realized that you got Oma's body". This was not exactly a complement, although she didn't mean it as an insult either-- she was just stating her observation. My Mom, you should understand, was a very direct woman. It was one of my favorite things about her and remembering these comments she made always makes me laugh. Enough background. Today I was getting my haircut, and somehow everytime I visit Guy I come up with something I have to post on the blog. He was explaining to me how he was going to change my cut again. We're constantly searching for the right style that works with my very fine, very straight hair, and that is not too unflattering to my very big, very round face. He explained how we needed to change the style because he doesn't want me to have heavy, straight hair on the top of my head because "You are not a tall woman with a long face". While I know he was trying to be so diplomatic in explaining the shape of my body and face, what he was really saying is "You are a short, stocky, hardy German woman". As for the new haircut, it's too early to tell. Right now it's very poofy and looks a bit like a mushroom, but I think I might like it once I style it myself.