Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy holidays

I don't think I'll ever understand these holidays in Switzerland. Tomorrow is Ascension, and therefore it's a holiday. Kirk won't have to go to work, and all the stores and schools will be closed. I've gone to church my whole life but have never recognized Ascension as a holiday. It's especially bizarre considering that Switzerland isn't really a religous country. For what it's worth, I think it's recognized throughout Europe as a holiday. (Except, perhaps, in the UK where they'll be celebrating election day instead) Tonight I learned that not only are the stores closed tomorrow, but they also closed early today. I stopped at my neighborhood Coop at 5:15 to pick up a few things for dinner tonight only to learn that they closed at 5:00 because of the holiday! It's bad enough that the stores here close at 6:30 or 7:00 on a regular day, but 5:00 on the day before this holiday they call Ascension? What's up with that?