Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The big day is almost here

Tomorrow is Grady's long-awaited arthoscopic surgery. We'll take him to a specialist somewhere near Zurich (Regensdorf, I think) where he'll have a small bone fragment removed from his elbow. Sounds fun, doesn't it? I'm dreading it. Nobody likes to take their pet in for surgery, do they? Not to mention the anticipated cost. I'm sure it won't be cheap. Nonetheless, I'll be happy to get it over with because Grady is really limping badly now and we've even had neighbors (who we don't know) ask us what's wrong with our dog. My nice husband is taking the day off to go along with us so hopefully I won't be so frazzled. Assuming all goes well, it'll just be outpatient surgery and Grady will be able to come home with us tomorrow night. Keep your fingers crossed for us!