Monday, July 17, 2006

I think I'm crazy

Today's lyric snippet for the day is brought to you courtesy of Gnarls Barkley:

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind...

Earlier this year, I remember seeing a local story about a woman who hurt her baby when he wouldn't stop crying. At the time, Heather (Swiss Blogger of the YearTM!) blogged about it and it obviously struck a chord because I thought to search for her post today.

I have to say, after the past few days I feel like I really understand that woman's helplessness on some level. (No worries, our little Munchkin is not at risk!) I'm not sure I've ever felt as helpless and frustrated than when she's crying and screaming hysterically. I'm not talking a fussy, I-need-to-eat cry. I'm talking a scream-so-loud-your-eardrums-burst-and-it-looks-like-her-head-is-going-to-explode-and-the-neighbors-might-call-the-police cry. Or perhaps bellow is more like it (or, according to the thesaurus: bark, bawl, bay, beller, blare, bluster, bray, call, clamor, cry, howl, low, roar, rout, scream, shout, shriek, wail, whoop, yawp, yell, yelp). We're hoping it's just a growth spurt, but otherwise I fear our little angel may have colic. We've rocked her, we've swaddled her, we've walked with her, we've driven with her, we've given her tummy massages, we've given her fennel tea (a Swiss herbal remedy they gave her in the hospital that cleaned her out better and more quickly than any laxative), we've pushed her in the pram, you name it (tonight I even tried to gallop with her--she kept crying, but at least it gave Gretchen a good laugh). Unfortunately for Gretchen, when it's bad, there's only thing that can possibly soothe her: The Boob. Hourly, sometimes even more than that. So as much as I'm on the verge of tearing my hair out, it's twice as hard on Gretchen, not just mentally but physically as well.

Having said all that, we keep telling ourselves it will get better. Someday. And in the meantime mornings are good (which doesn't help me much!), and when we see her looking like this it's all good: