Saturday, July 15, 2006

Picture show

So the photo club at work is having another exhibition, this time with the theme of "Waiting". Since there's no cost to submit entries and we have no shortage of photos to choose from, we figured we'd email a few each and see how it shakes out (in the previous exhibition they ended up nicely framing this one). We just found out these two were selected, the first taken by Gretchen in Norway and the second taken by me in Bangkok:

Meanwhile, these were the others Gretchen submitted that were rejected, the first in Burgundy and the second at the Basel Zolli:

And these were my rejects, with Grady on the train in Wengen and in the hospital a few weeks ago:

[And can I just say that I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to post multiple pictures next to each other horizontally rather than vertically? Argh...]