Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I'm back

It's a good thing that Kirk likes to blog because somebody needed to keep our blog updated during my recent absence! After 5 days in the hospital and a few days at home I think I'm finally ready to start blogging again. We'll see if Baby lets me do so from time to time. Here are a few random thoughts for the day:

--First of all, thank you all for your kind words and wishes of congratulations following Baby's birth. I'm glad you're enjoying all the pictures because there are sure to be many more of them!

--As I'm sure we've mentioned before, the standard hospital stay in Switzerland is 5 days after delivery. I had so many friends (who hadn't given birth in Switzerland) tell me that I was going to go stir crazy being in the hospital for so long. It was quite the contrary. I felt totally spoiled being able to be in the hospital getting so much help at a time when you're exhausted and overwhelmed and everything is new. I've always been quite uncomfortable being anywhere near hospitals, probably because I spent so much time in hospitals with my parents in recent years, but Bethesda Spital has given me a new appreciation for good health care. Check this out, I even had a balcony overlooking a beautiful park setting!

--Let me tell you about the fastest weight-loss program you've ever heard of... giving birth! I've already lost 20 pounds in one week! Somehow I have a feeling that the other 20 won't come off quite so quickly...

--I'm proud to say I'm done with McDonald's and Burger King. My biggest craving throughout the pregnancy was fast food, and there were times when absolutely nothing else could satisfy. It's disgusting, I know, but sometimes there's nothing like a Whopper. I had my last Burger King Tender Crisp chicken sandwich a few days before delivery and I could tell that was it... I almost felt sick afterward. Auf wiedersehen, fast food.

--Lack of sleep as a new Mom is somehow much more bearable than lack of sleep as a pregnant woman. For the last several weeks before Baby was born I was sleeping horribly. It was nearly impossible to get comfortable and with a pea-sized bladder I made bathroom runs throughout the night. It is an amazing feeling to be able to move around easily in bed without a huge belly! At least I'm now able to get a few hours of solid and restful sleep at a time. And besides, what's better than waking up to the gorgeous smile of a little angel?!

--I noticed yesterday when doing laundry that I no longer get winded walking up the stairs from the laundry room (which is in the basement)! And I can bend over again and see my toes again and can even wear some clothes that aren't size XL maternity. Phew.

--I am a milk machine. I've heard this from new mothers before. You all know I love cows, but I don't want to be one. Seriously, can babies really need to eat this often?!

--You may be wondering how Grady's doing. I think he's sad that he no longer has my undivided attention (he's always been a bit spoiled), but frankly, he doesn't seem to have any interest in Baby and is taking her arrival in stride. They seem to have established a peaceful coexistence. Her cries don't disturb him and she doesn't even flinch when he barks. I guess it's true what they say about babies getting used to certain sounds while inside their Mom's tummy.

--Last, but certainly not least, let me say a word about Kirk. He may have had some anxieties about becoming a father (and I'm sure he still does), but he has been absolutely wonderful. The only thing I love more than staring at my new daughter's precious face is admiring how quickly Kirk has adjusted to being a father and watching how he interacts with her. From the moment she arrived, I could tell he was in love with her. It simply melts my heart. On top of all of that, he's taking such great care of me, helping with anything he can and listening patiently to my frequent bossines.

--Just in time, Baby cries and that's the end of the post...