Sunday, July 02, 2006

To whom it may concern

Dear Bethesda-Spital:

While the care we received this week was of the highest quality, we fear that you may have made a mistake that needs immediate correction.

When we were sent home, it seems that we were not given a button to push and have a nurse appear within a minute or so. Our understanding is that this button was an upgraded feature that was supposed to be included with the baby. We tried to find this button when she cried unconsolably for much of the day, but to no avail. The situation got so desperate that Kirk even had to change a diaper without any help, which is a clear breach of contract. We tried our television remote and various light switches just in case, but no nurses ever appeared.

This was undoubtedly an oversight on your part, which we hope can be quickly and easily rectified. Please send our nurse call button via express mail or, if this is not feasible, we can come get it ourselves. Our sanity may depend on it.

Sleepless in Basel