Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fact or fiction?

There are some things that you hear or read that end up not being exactly the way you think it's going to be:

All babies love baths...FICTION! We've carefully checked the temperature, done everything to keep her warm, you name it, and I swear one of these days the neighbors are going to call the authorities because of how loudly she wails when we put her in the water.

A baby's poop doesn't stink, especially when it's your baby...FICTION! In the interest of propriety, I won't elaborate.

All babies do is eat and sleep...FICTION! They also fuss and squirm and cry. Sometimes for hours at a time. Hypothetically. (And it appears to be a gas thing, not a swaddling thing.)

It's all about mom...FACT! Some of my most gratifying moments have been when I've actually been able to calm her down, but those moments are few and far between. Most of the time if she's crying, she wants something I'm afraid I just can't offer her.