Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I still miss it

March 25, 2007, we left Basel. Here we are, one year later.

A couple weeks ago, while having dinner with some friends, I was mentioning something about a friend of mine in Basel who just had a baby, and how much I wish I could be there. "So you still miss it?", I was asked. The truth is, I don't think I could ever NOT miss it. Not just Basel, but the overall experience of being an expat and living overseas.

This doesn't mean that I'm not happy to be here. There are certainly are advantages to living in our home country. And I've settled in quite nicely to my suburban-American-stay-at-home-Mom lifestyle (after some trying months a year ago during which I felt a bit isolated and lonely). But in some ways, the grass is always greener. Isn't there always something you want from that other way of life? As time goes by, it's easy to glorify everything from "where we used to live" and forget any of the negative stuff that went along with it. In fact, right now I'm having a hard time even remembering what the negative stuff was (other than being far away from our American friends and family and not being able to find good Thai food).

One thing is for sure... our daughter is no longer the little baby she was when we flew home a year ago. That was then (at 9 months)...

...and this is now (at 21 months). She will always be our reminder of how quickly time passes.