So far, with the exception of some timely comments from Stacy (a blog veteran), the comment feature has gone over about as well as Ted Nugent at a PETA convention. Maybe the blog doesn't inspire commentary, but I choose to believe it's a learning curve issue. Anyway, here's the deal--to post a comment you don't need to put your real name (or any name at all--it will be anonymous) and you don't need to post your email address or an URL. Just make a comment and click "OK". OK?
Monday, April 19, 2004
Previous Posts
- Gretchen invented a new game this weekend: "Gay or...
- We're back from a fun weekend in Brussels, where w...
- We're getting set to head off to Brussels (at the ...
- Could somebody please explain to me who decided it...
- Baslers take conservation very seriously and their...
- Just to clear up any confusion, Kirk is totally ex...
- Lunch today was a classic case where having an Eng...
- I'm not sure if my haircut is more Vanilla Ice or ...
- Another fun headline today from one of the papers ...
- Today I got a haircut--the first in a couple of mo...
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