Thursday, June 24, 2004

Whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Go figure--according to Christian's blog there was an earthquake here the other night. A friend at work asked if I felt it as well. I didn't feel it--3.8 isn't very strong by California standards, and evidently I don't have one of those dogs that alerts their owners before an earthquake. The strange thing is that it was the second earthquake since I've been here. The first one, back in February, hit while I was at work and it felt much more like home (which is a strange thing to say, now that I think about it). After living in the Bay Area in 1989 and L.A. in 1994 I thought I was through with earthquakes (at least until we move back to California), but I guess not. Maybe I shouldn't say anything or Gretchen isn't going to want to come back to Basel--well, at least we haven't had any tornadoes (yet)...