Sunday, November 28, 2004

Which is it, evaporated or condensed?

For our Thanksgiving celebration on Thursday, I was in charge of the pumpkin pie. I gladly volunteered making it because I had brought canned pumpkin with me when we moved here in March (knowing you couldn't find it in Switzerland). My only concern was whether I could find evaporated milk. Believe it or not, sometimes it's hard to find some of our regular American products in Swiss grocery stores. You can imagine how pleased I was to find several cans of it among the other baking products at the local Migros. Only after baking two pumpkin pies (on Thursday afternoon) did I realize that I had actually bought condensed milk. I'm sure I'm not the first person to make this mistake-- I always get the two confused! Well, I'm here to tell you that the pie was excellent. In fact, I think it was better with the "ungezuckert" (unsweetened) condensed milk than it had been in past years when I actually followed the recipe. Perhaps I should write to the people at Libby's who can the pumpkin and suggest they change their recipe.