Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I've never been a great skier, but I've been perfectly happy just to be a life-long intermediate. Something seems to have happened to me, though--all of a sudden anything steeper than the bunny slope is a big challenge. Earlier this season I could blame it on ill-fitting boots, but since then I exchanged them for new boots that fit much better. I was doing so poorly and was so unhappy with how I was skiing in Zermatt that Gretchen finally asked if I even liked to ski anymore, and I really couldn't answer either way. In retrospect it probably didn't help that I wasn't feeling great, but I've concluded the biggest problem is that I'm out of shape (big surprise there), especially in terms of leg strength--I'm having trouble holding my skis through turns, which in turn is sapping my confidence. So I guess the obvious solution is to realise I'm not sixteen years old anymore and that if I want to get in shape I have to actually get my lazy Po to the gym...