Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Santa was good to me

I realize that Christmas was a few weeks ago, but I never posted anything about all my cool Christmas presents. With my sister and her family arriving in Basel on December 26, it's taken me some time to enjoy my presents. In fact I haven't even used my favorite present from Kirk-- a fondue set! Hopefully when we come back from New York (we fly there on Saturday) we will have friends over to test it out. Sticking with the Swiss theme, he also gave me a special pot for making Gluhwein (warm, mulled wine). It's actually called "glogg" on the box, because he bought it from Bodum which is a Danish company, and I think glogg is the Scandinavian version of Gluhwein. I also got a few DVDs to satisfy my need to occasionally watch American TV shows. Per my request, Kirk bought me Season 5 of Sex and the City. Although I'm enjoying it, I have to say it's not as good as the early season. Plus there's only 8 episodes. What's up with that? Is this the season when Sarah Jessica Parker is pregnant so it was a short season? Perhaps I'll have to buy Season 6 when I'm back in NYC. Also, my sister bought me one of the Seinfeld seasons on DVD which I love. No matter how many times I've seen an episode I can still watch it again. For the first time ever, Kirk and I both bought each other an identical gift. We now have two DVDs of Da Ali G Show . It's funny, but believe me, you only need one copy. Speaking of HBO shows, we've also been watching The Sopranos. Kirk bought the entire season of the Sopranos on DVD last summer while I was in Wisconsin, but watched only the first season. I wasn't sure I would like it because I figured it would be too violent, but I love it. What a great show. Why did we never have HBO when we lived in DC?