Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I have to clean?

I've discovered that it's very easy to become very lazy about cleaning once you've hired a cleaning lady. Of course, we (or should I say Kirk) originally hired Henriette to iron Kirk's shirts last summer while I was gone, but now we've really gotten used to her coming to the house every Tuesday morning for a few hours and I can't imagine having to do all the cleaning by myself. It occurred to me yesterday, however, that there are still some things I need to do around the house, like getting rid of all the cobwebs that have formed in the ceiling corners. (Let me just add here that I think Kirk would agree that such a thing would never occur to him. Good thing I'm in charge of managing the household.) So after using the vacuum to suck up the cobwebs, I decided I'd also vacuum up all the Grady furballs that had formed under the couch. You can imagine my surprise when I also found a sock that I believe belongs to my nephew Bennett! The reality of being a hausfrau really struck me this morning when Henriette called to say she has the "Grippe" (the flu). I suppose I could be lazy and wait for her to come back next Tuesday, but I don't think I can look at the piles of Grady hair on our floor for another day. Looks like I'll be doing some vacuuming tonight. See, life in Switzerland isn't ALWAYS glamorous...