Monday, February 07, 2005

Too much freedom?

When we got home from skiing last night, we had a message from my German class partner saying that she had decided we should cancel our German classes for the week because her 2 sisters surprised her by coming to Basel (from Beirut and Dubai) to celebrate her birthday this week (all was arranged by her husband). How 'bout that for a birthday present?? Anyway, this is the luxury of having private German lessons. We end up cancelling them quite often whenever one of us is traveling, etc. Having no German lessons means I have no commitments all week other than volunteering on Wednesday afternoon. Not that I'm complaining-- this is a good life-- but I do usually like to have a little bit of structure to my day so I don't just lounge around the house all day and watch my Sex and the City DVDs. This morning I plan to sit down and write a list of all the odd jobs I want to do around the house along with the errands I need to run this week. This will include things like go to Media Markt to buy a printer cartridge, return the unused drapery rods to Ikea, pick up Kirk's suit at the dry cleaners in France, vacuum the basement laundry room which is somehow covered in Grady hair, etc. Sound exciting?