Saturday, May 07, 2005

Banana bread

I just made banana bread and it is so delicious. I had forgotten how much I loved it, and how great the house smells after you bake it. I used to make it quite a bit back in DC because I always bought too many bananas and they would always go bad before we ate them (we're very particular about bananas in this household-- they have to be perfect or we won't eat them). Now that I'm living in Basel and not practicing the "stock-up" method of grocery shopping I don't often have overripe bananas around the house. I may have to start buying a few extras so that I can make more banana bread. It's yummy. I've always used the most basic recipe. It's from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook (the one with the red and white checked cover). That's got to be the first cookbook everyone owns. I probably got it when I left for college.