Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm feeling a bit guilty

I think I mentioned last week that our lawn was desperately in need of a mowing. When we got home last night from Paris I realized more than ever that I needed to figure out how to use our mower at the soonest possible chance. The wildflowers and dandelions that had crowded out the grass must have grown 2 inches since we left on Sunday. Then, this afternoon, within an hour of getting home from dropping off Lee at the airport and picking up Grady at the kennel I heard a lawnmower. I looked out back and saw Hans, one-half of the husband and wife team that our landlord/upstairs neighbor uses as her "household" (they clean and perform general household maintenance). Hans was mowing our lawn. I'm figuring that our landlord/neighbor had had enough of looking at our backyard jungle and figured I'd never really get to it since I'm always jetting off to Paris or Barcelona or something. Of course I thanked Hans profusely (as much as I could in my limited German), and now I feel only a little bit guilty that I didn't do it myself. I must be slipping in my duties as a hausfrau.