Friday, July 29, 2005

Long weekend

This is literally going to be a long weekend because Monday is Swiss National Day, so no work. Woohoo--three day weekend and I'm actually going to try not to go to work so I can do taxes instead (better late than never)! But it will also be a long weekend figuratively because, like the Fourth of July back home, a big part of Swiss National Day (and the days leading up to it) seems to involve setting off lots of firecrackers and fireworks. I'm more or less indifferent to fireworks, but I've realised that Dog + Fireworks = No Sleep. Every time Grady hears an explosion of any sort, no matter how distant, he barks VERY LOUDLY (he's a big softie, but if you hear his bark you would think Cujo was in the house). Oh, and now we're having another thunderstorm, which has the same effect. Good times!