Friday, July 08, 2005

One of those days

Yesterday, we had one of those days we could only have living in Basel. Kirk managed to take much of the day off so we could enjoy a day together with his Aunt and Uncle visiting from Boise. Despite the rain and cool weather, we had a great day. Frankly, as a tourist, it's probably preferable to have rainy, cool days as opposed to the unbearable heat wave of a few weeks ago. We first drove up to Colmar, France, and enjoyed the Unterinden Museum and a fabulous lunch featuring Alsacian specialities such as Le Gratin De Munster and Tarte Flambé. We also visited the charming Alsacian village of Kaysersberg. Afterward, we took the scenic route and drove back through the Black Forest, stopping in the town of Schönau for dinner. What's better after a big, heavy lunch than a big, heavy, German dinner consisting of scwheinschnitzel, bratwurst, and spaetzle? Not that I'm complaining, it was all excellent. So it was one of those days... breakfast in Switzerland, lunch in France, dinner in Germany.