Monday, July 04, 2005


While hiking this weekend, we realised that cows are SO last week. When you think of wildlife in the Alps, you might think of marmots (saw one), deer (didn't see any), mountain goats (nope), bears (thankfully, no...and I'm not even sure if there are bears in the Alps), etc. What you probably don't think of are pigs. So imagine our surprise when, at the end of our long hiked down from Kleine Scheidegg to Alpiglen, we turned the corner and came face-to-face with pigs (which were presumably destined for the menu at Alpiglen). Best of all? After hanging out and laughing at them, that night Gretchen ordered Schweinsteak (pork steak)...and then ordered Schweinsbratwurst (pork sausage) the next day.

One other highlight came when we were sitting in our room and heard a bunch of bells. Gretchen went to investigate and called me out to the balcony, where we could see a flock of sheep running through the streets of Wengen. Why a flock of sheep would be running through the town (to get to the other side?) was beyond us, but it was quite a sight. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to get a picture, but the next evening we heard the same thing and this time I was able to get a distant shot. And I have to say, there's just something indescribably funny about sheep: