Monday, August 29, 2005


While there are lots of little things I miss about being back in DC, there are probably two things that I especially miss. One is our house (which I drove's still really strange to see other people living in your place, although it's nice to see the yard looked OK). But the other is being so far from family and friends. We've been fortunate enough to make some really good friends in Basel, but there's something irreplaceable about the close group of friends you've been with for a number of years. Being back and seeing friends last night made me realise how much of the little day-to-day stuff (e.g., kids growing up) that you miss out on when you're far away, even though the phone and email are godsends when it comes to keeping in touch. I'm still glad we're staying for another year, but it's also really nice to be back, even if it's only for a day. And now, off to NYC...