Land of the fjords
So, Norway is freakin' beautiful. We'll have much more to say when we get back, no doubt, but suffice it to say we've endured torrential rains (at least two people have told us it was the remnants of Hurricane Katrina, which I find hard to believe but makes for a good story nonetheless), chilly weather (current temp 46F at 5:00pm), travel fiascoes, wayward sheep, loud Spaniards, a near-bout with motion sickness, and prices that make Switzerland seem like a bargain...and it's been totally worth it. The scenery here is stunning, and despite the bad weather the sun was luckily out for most of the day today...we can only imagine how nice it must be during the long days of summer. And no, I'm not just saying that because of my Norwegian heritage. To get a taste, these are two views from our balcony:

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