A true sign that fall is coming... Kürbis!

Yesterday, while on a bike ride, I stopped by the neighborhood Kürbis Markt, which is at a farm not too far away from our house. A Kürbis is a pumpkin, but not just like the pumpkins we have at home. Here there seem to be hundreds of varieties of pumpkins and squash, and I have no idea what you would do with all of them.

These are called "Turkish Turbans" (at least that's what the Swiss call them).

Here are some that look a bit more like home.

They also have some lovely cows at this farm. I've chatted with them before when they're out grazing in the fields, but yesterday they were having a snack inside the barn.

Yesterday, while on a bike ride, I stopped by the neighborhood Kürbis Markt, which is at a farm not too far away from our house. A Kürbis is a pumpkin, but not just like the pumpkins we have at home. Here there seem to be hundreds of varieties of pumpkins and squash, and I have no idea what you would do with all of them.

These are called "Turkish Turbans" (at least that's what the Swiss call them).

Here are some that look a bit more like home.

They also have some lovely cows at this farm. I've chatted with them before when they're out grazing in the fields, but yesterday they were having a snack inside the barn.

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