Sunday, October 02, 2005


Yesterday we were trying to figure out what to do on a rainy, crappy afternoon. We were also lucky enough to be invited to dinner both Saturday and Sunday nights, and we didn't know what to bring. So we put two and two together and decided to drive up to our favorite family-run winery in one of our favorite charming little towns in the Alsace, Eguisheim, and stock up on wine. (Truth be told, we're not really wine connoisseurs so there may be better wineries, but Mme Meyer speaks English when doing tastings so it has become quite popular with lots of expats I work with.) After picking up a couple of cases of pinot blanc and Tokay pinot gris, we drove back along part of the Route des Vins. The vines were filled with grapes ready for the harvest, and as we approached the town of Gueberschwihr the sun all of a sudden broke through the clouds and illuminated the town and the vineyards, so Gretchen jumped out of the car and braved the mud to snap a couple of quick photos: