Monday, February 27, 2006

Ho hum

Geez, this blog gets pretty boring when Gretchen is out of town, doesn't it? I wish I had lots of clever stories and deep thoughts to share, but when I actually have to cook my own dinner (perish the thought), clean up after myself (say it isn't so), walk Grady three times a day (do you feel my pain yet?), and do all the Hausfrau tasks that Gretchen usually does...well, who has time for deep thoughts? (As much as Gretchen loves to go home because she can see her sister's family and visit friends, I also think she likes that it serves as a reminder of just how much she does around here...being a relatively liberated male, I never would have envisioned a time when I would be the sole breadwinner and she would be home pregnant and doing housework--it's like a little slice of the 1950s here in Basel.)

I guess the only interesting observation--which I can't back up with pictures because Gretchen has the camera--is that labs are especially handsome in the snow. We got a couple of inches this weekend, and I swear Grady just looks like he's in his element. Not that he's playing or romping through it--all he wants to do is eat the snow--but he looks good anyway.

Did I mention that this blog is pretty boring in Gretchen's absence?