Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We like Bavaria

Our long weekend in Bavaria was great! We ate a lot of yummy heavy German food (mainly pork, other meats, sausages, various varieties of potato products, and sauerkraut). Kirk drank lots of good Bavarian beer (and I enjoyed the few sips I had as well). We visited lots of charming towns. People were friendly and understood my German! I passed the test of successfully choosing and booking 3 different hotels in 3 different towns.

More on all of this later (including some pictures), but that's the quick update for now. I'm spending the rest of my week playing tour guide to Dave, who arrived safely and in one piece yesterday morning. Unfortunately, his bag didn't make it (and will hopefully arrive today), but considering he'll be wearing the same clothes for the next 11 weeks of travel, what's two days?

Thankfully, his small "Gretchen" bag DID make it to Zurich! His bag of goodies included a precious teddy bear for our baby-to-be, some trashy American magazines (eg. People), a bunch of new maternity clothes (both borrowed from DC friends and what I ordered online from Gap), and every expats favorite American snack-- peanut butter! Don't ask me why American Airlines managed to get this bag on the plane, but not the bag containing all of Dave's things!

It also seems that Dave brought along some spring weather from DC. FINALLY we have a forecast of sun and mild temperatures (and no rain) for the entire week! Switzerland is always beautiful, but so much more so when the sun is shining...